We are dedicated to a world with a home for every pet!
You can help by purchasing a pet license plate from a Deputy Registrar or Oplates.com
You can help by purchasing a pet license plate from a Deputy Registrar or Oplates.com
The more pet friendly plates we sell, the more animals we can help. Stop by your Deputy Registrar's office or visit oplates.com to share your love for cats and dogs.
Our "CAT FRIENDLY" and "DOG FRIENDLY" plates helped to spay and neuter thousands of pets in Ohio over the last 15 years. Every time you purchase a plate, you help non-profit groups, animal shelters and humane societies prepare a homeless pet for adoption! Only $25.
Please share this ad or any of our images in your newsletters, adoption packets, and on social media. Feel free to copy and paste. We give over 100 spay-neuter grants each year. Help us give more. The more license plates we sell, the more animals we can help!
Check out this great video! A happy 30 seconds about our plates! Share this on your website and on social media.
Enroll your Kroger Plus Card at Kroger. Go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com and enroll the Ohio Pet Fund as your charity. (Search for "Ohio Pet Fund" or "BU919.") Every time you shop at Kroger using your Kroger Plus Card, Kroger will make a donation to the Ohio Pet Fund, no cost to you.
You can get a pet license plate for $25. What an easy way to show your love! Pick your pet license plate today!
A big thank you to Jenny Campbell, artist of the comic Flo and Friends, who drew our signature cartoon plates. We are very grateful. Our appreciation also goes out to the late senator Robert Schuler, artists Denise Laurent and Debbie Stonebraker, and our friends at Ryder Engraving and MinuteMan Press.
You can help us to help animals by purchasing a pet license plate for your vehicle. Proceeds provide spay/neuter funds for needy cats and dogs. Order your plate today for $25 online through the BMV at oplates.com or at your Deputy Registrar's office. At the Deputy Registrar's office, just ask to for one of these four plates: "OHIO PETS," "DOG FRIENDLY 1," "CAT FRIENDLY" OR "DOG FRIENDLY2." Alternatively, just visit Oplates.com and choose the option to replace your plate.
Does your qualifying organization need some extra funds to assist with spay-neuter costs? We have $1,000+ grants available for qualifying organizations like animal shelters, 501c3 organizations, humane societies, and veterinary nonprofit organizations. See forms below.
Check the "Eligibility Criteria" in the blue download section above to determine which pets are eligible for spay/neuter grant funds. When the use of grant funds is accomplished, download and complete the utilization report to submit with the following year's grant application.
150% of the poverty guideline 2023
Family of 1: $21,870
Family of 2: $29,580
Family of 3: $37,290
Family of 4: $45,000
Family of 5: $52,710
Family of 6: $60,420
Family of 7: $68,130
Family of 8: $75,840
Additional member: $7,710
YOUR QUALIFYING ORGANIZATION CAN APPLY EACH JANUARY! The funds may be used for dogs and cats awaiting adoption or belonging to low income owners. Download the application between JANUARY 1 AND JANUARY 31 and send it to the email addresses on the application during the month of January of each year.
Grants go out in batches; we are all volunteers and it takes awhile to get through them all. If you don't hear from us by June 1 of each year, please contact us to make sure we received your application.
New: File your utilization report with the following year's application.
The Ohio Pet Fund began awarding grants for dog/cat sterilization in 2006-2007. Some of our recipients are listed below. (We have more to add!) Grant awards do not constitute an endorsement of said groups, but instead a shared commitment to ensuring loving homes for our pets. We hope to continue helping for many years to come!
A Purrfect Start - Adopt a Neighborhood - Adopt A Pit Rescue - Advocates for Animals - All Dogs Heaven - Allen County Dog Warden - Alleycat Charities - Alterpet - Angels for Animals - Angel's Rest Animal Sanctuary - Almost Home - Animal Allies - Animal Charity League - Animal Charity of Ohio - Animal Friends - Animal Outreach - Animals Depend on People Too - Animal Protection Network - Animal Pawtectors - Ark of Redemption - ARF - Ashland County Dog Shelter - Ashtabula County Animal Protective League - Athens County Dog Shelter - Athens County Humane Society - Auglaize County Dog Warden - Auglaize County Humane Society - AWC of Ashtabula- Backyard Dog Project - Barely Used Pets - Batta Cats - Black and Orange Cat Foundation - Brighter Day - Brown County Humane Society - Buckeye Pet Partners - Buster's Brigade - Butler County Dog Warden - CC's Cupboard - Canine Collective - Carroll County Commissioners - Cat Adoption Team - Cat Assistance Team of Central Ohio - Cat House Feline Sanctuary - Cat Roundup - Cat Welfare Association - Cats N Us - Central Ohio Pit Savers - Circle of Love - City of Cleveland Kennel - Champaign County AWL - Champaign County Dog Shelter - Circle Area Humane Society - Citizens for Humane Action - Clark County Dog Shelter - Clark County SPCA - Clermont Animal Care Humane Society - Cleveland Animal Protective League - Clinton County Humane Society - Colony Cats - Columbus Cocker Rescue - Columbus Humane - Community Action Task Force - Community Cat Companions - Cozy Cat Cottage - Crazy Cats - Crossed Paws - Cuyahoga County Dog Shelter - Danielle's Animal Safe Haven - Darke County Animal Shelter - Deb's Dogs - Defiance County Humane Society - Delaware County Dog Shelter - Erie County Dog Shelter - Erie Shore Greyhound Adoption - Erie Shores Humane Society - Euclid Beach Cat Project - Euclid Pet Pals - Fairfield Area Humane Society - Fairfield County Dog Shelter - Fayette County Dog Pound - Fayette Regional Humane Society - Feral Mountain - FIDO - Forgotten 4-Paws - Forgotten Felines of Richland - Franklin County Animal Care & Control - Freedom Greyhounds - Friends of the City of Cleveland Shelter - Friends of the Shelter - Friendship Animal Protective League - Fulton County Dog Shelter - Fulton County Humane Society - Furget Me Not - Gallia County Canine Shelter - Geauga County Dog Shelter - Geauga County Humane Society - Golden Retrievers in Need - Grant Humane Society of Jackson - Greene County Animal Control - Guernsey County Dog Shelter - HALO - Hamilton County SPCA - Hand Me Down Dobes - Hardin County Dog Shelter - Hardin County Humane Society - Harlequin Haven - HART - Heart of Ohio Pets - Helping Our Pets Everywhere - Henry County Dog Warden - Heritage Farms Animal Rescue - Highland County Commissioners - Highland County Dog Pound - His Hands Extended Sanctuary - Holmes County Dog Warden - Holmes County Humane Society - Holy Cat Whiskers - Homestretch Hounds - Humane Ohio - Humane Society and SPCA of Hancock - Humane Society of Harrison County - Humane Society Serving Clark County - Humane Society Serving Logan County - Humane Society of Greater Akron - Humane Society of Morrow County - Humane Society of Madison County - Humane Society of the Ohio Valley - Humane Society of Ottawa County - Humane Society of Preble County - Humane Society of Richland County - Humane Society of Sandusky County - Humane Society of Seneca County - Humane Society of Summit County - Huron County Dog Shelter, Jackson County Dog Shelter - Jefferson County Humane Society - Joseph's Legacy - Kitten Krazy - Knox County Animal Shelter - Knox County Humane Society - Lake County Dog Shelter - Labrador Retriever Rescue - Lake Erie Labrador Retriever Rescue - Lake Humane Society - League for Animal Welfare - Legacy Dog Rescue - Licking County Dog Shelter - Licking County Humane Society - Lorain County Dog Kennel - Louies' Legacy - Lucas County Dog Warden - Lucas County Pit Crew - Lucky Paws Animal Rescue - Mahoning County - Marion County Dog Pound - Measles Animal Haven - Medina County SPCA - Meigs County Humane Society - Mid-Ohio Animal Welfare League - Miracle House Animal Rescue - Misfit Paws Animal Rescue - MoCo Kitty Control - Montgomery County - Multiple Breed Rescue - Mutts in a Rut - My Young and Old Fur Babies - Neighborhood Cat Helpers - Never Muzzled - New Beginnings - Noble County Dog Warden - Northeast Ohio SPCA - O'Bryonville Animal Rescue Fund - Ohio Alley Cat Resource - Ohio American Indian Council - Ohio Fuzzy Pawz - One of a Kind - Paulding County Dog Warden - Open Arms Pound Rescue - Ohio Pug Rescue - Parma Animal Shelter - Pay It Forward for Pets - PAWS - Paws and Prayers - Paws and Whiskers - Pawsitive Hope - Pawsitive Ohio - Peaches Bully Rescue - Perry County Dog Shelter - Perry County Humane Society - Pet Advocate League - Pet Alliance - Pet FBI - Pet Fix - Pet Orphanage - Pet Promise - Pets In Greater Need - Pets in Need - Petite Paws Rescue Angels - Pets Uniting People Society - Pets Without Parents - Pickaway County Dog Pound - Pike County Dog Pound - Pike Pet Pals - Planned Pethood - Portage County Protective League - Portage County Dog Kennel & Shelter - Pound Dog Partners of Guernsey County - Powell Animal Rescue Society - Public Animal Welfare Society - Purr...fect Companions Sanctuary - Purrfect Friends Cat Rescue - Putnam County Dog Pound - RASCAL - Rescue Me - Rescued Ohio - Richland County Dog Shelter - Robyn's Nest - Ross County Humane Society - Royalty Dog Rescue - Rural Animal Veterinary Services of Appalachian Ohio - Sanctuary for Senior Dogs - Sandusky Dog Pound - SASS Shih Tzu Rescue - SCOOP - Save Ohio Strays - Save the Animals Foundation - Saving Pets One at a Time - SART - Second Chance Humane Society - 2nd Chance - Shelby County Animal Shelter - Shelter Outreach Service of Ohio - SICSA - Sierra's Haven - SNACK - SNAP of Gallia - Spay Neuter Ohio - Speak for the Unspoken - SPCA of Grafton - Star's Cat Connection - Steel Valley Woofstock - Stop the Suffering - Summit County Animal Shelter - Sunrise Sanctuary - Tails for the City - Teddy's Rescue - Toledo Area Humane Society - Toledo's Pet Bull Project - TNR of Warren - Trumble County Dog Warden - Tuscarawas Humane Society - UCAN - Union County Humane Society - Van Wert County Humane Society - Vinton County Dog Shelter - Viva Los Gatos - Voices in the Dark - Voices of the Trumbull Dog Pound - Wayne County Dog Shelter - Wayne County Humane Society - Whiskers - Wilmington Area Humane Society - Wishful Thinking Endeavors - Wonder Dogs - Wood County Dog Shelter - Wood County Humane Society - Wood Foundation - Wright-Poling Pickaway County Dog Shelter
THANK YOU to all of the above groups who have helped spread the word about our pet plate.
All who love bully dogs now have a reason to celebrate! The Bureau of Motor Vehicles recently released the newest specialty license plate logo for vehicles in Ohio, a dog-friendly image of a happy brown and white boy sporting a huge smile, blue collar and gold dog tag that says "Adopt." Drawn by nationally syndicated cartoonist Jenny Campbell, creator of the daily comic strip “Flo and Friends” the perfect ‘dog model’ for the new logo was a rescue mix named Jack!
“Jack was rescued from the Cleveland City Kennel by my good friend, animal advocate Timy Sullivan, who also helped create the City Dogs adoption program at the kennel. Jack was found roaming the streets, dragging a broken leg and was VERY suspicious of people,” said Campbell.
“But Timy fell in love with him instantly. Today, the two are inseparable and Jack greets friends now with kisses." Jack’s image on the new plate came as a complete surprise to Timy, unveiled as a birthday present.
In addition to the City Dogs program, Timy was the first executive director at Geauga Humane Society’s Rescue Village; and later, created PetFix Northeast Ohio, a low-cost spay-neuter clinic. Said Timy, “When Jenny told me about the plate, I was overjoyed...I’ve been blessed with many wonderful dogs in my life, but Jack is my heart dog. He has taught me so much about forgiveness and resilience and the joy of living in the present.” Proceeds from the license plate will assist hundreds of Ohio organizations.
2280 W. Henderson Rd, Columbus, Ohio 43220
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